Car insurance can feel like a painful expenditure, since you most likely have to carry it. The majority of U.S. states mandate that all car owners have basic auto insurance. Though laws vary, nearly every state requires car owners to carry bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance. In addition, many states require drivers to carry personal injury protection and uninsured motorist coverage.
However, you have many options when it comes to buying car insurance. You can shop around at the top auto insurance carriers for the best price. Also, look for ways to cut rates through different insurer programs. Understanding the different types of coverage can also help you figure just how much insurance you need to carry.
When we think of sensors that keep our home safe, most of us think of either a fire alarm or a security system. While these are both excellent and creditworthy loss-prevention devices, insurance companies are equally excited about a new generation of home sensors that can detect water or natural gas leaks before they become a claim.
Water sensors come in two varieties. Passive leak detectors are inexpensive stand-alone devices that emit an alarm and/or flashing light when moisture is detected. Active leak detectors signal a leak and shut off the water source. Active systems may be installed on individual appliances or as a whole house solution. Gas detectors are most often passive.
Gas and water sensors are a great credit, The big-box stores helped create the culture of improving and protecting your home because you can go to Home Depot and Lowe’s and just buy this stuff. That drove companies to create solutions that people can self-install.
Could you explain what a health insurance premium is? What about coinsurance?
Just under half of Americans with health insurance feel confident that they understand such basic insurance terms, according to a recent study in the journal Health Affairs. Among uninsured Americans, fewer than a quarter have that confidence.
As the Affordable Care Act creates millions of new health insurance customers and provides new options for the already-insured, confusion about basic insurance concepts could make it difficult for people to make the right choices.
The vast majority of consumers do not know the ins and outs of health insurance because they never have needed to, a former insurance agent who now rates and reviews insurance companies online states.
For years, most people have received health insurance through their employers. They get a card in the mail, and that is their ticket to health insurance. Consumers rarely saw much more than a bill for a few hundred dollars here and there. But it’s no longer so simple. Years of being naive about the entire industry are starting to catch up with people now.
Life insurance isn’t a purchase you make often, so you may not know where to start or how to get life insurance quotes. Here’s how to get the coverage you need.
The amount of life insurance you need depends on your family’s needs and priorities. Do you have debts to pay? Will your family need to replace your income to meet everyday living expenses? Do you want to fund a college education for your children?
Although you may have some life insurance through your job, it’s generally a good idea to have your own policy in addition to the coverage provided by your employer. The policy through your employer is likely not enough to meet your family’s financial needs and typically ends if you leave the job.
Debt and income replacement calculators can help you decide how much coverage you need before you get life insurance quotes.